PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

alviss 3.2.2 Configuration file reader with some nifty bells and whistles added 2024-05-06 13:44:27
distro2sbom 0.4.6 SBOM generator for system distribution 2024-05-06 08:50:51
BitCash 1.0.2 Bitcoin Cash made easier. 2024-05-06 02:17:51
es-wait 0.7.2 Helping you wait for certain Elasticsearch tasks and API calls to finish 2024-05-03 23:58:25
wipac-rest-tools 1.7.4 REST tools in python - common code for client and server 2024-05-03 21:43:30
csaf-tool 0.3.1 CSAF generator and analyser 2024-05-03 16:21:53
simple-spykes 0.1.0 Utility library for spike sorting quality metrics 2024-05-02 00:04:17
minidevtools 0.0.1 A Swiss Army knife for developers 2024-04-30 09:50:54
rok4-tools 1.5.0 Python tools for ROK4 project 2024-04-30 07:30:56
vxquant 20240414 一个简单、易用、面向中国股市实盘的python量化交易框架 2024-04-30 07:27:52
miniqmt-xtquant 20240329 mini QMT工具 2024-04-30 06:54:45
devopsdriver 0.1.45 DevOps tools 2024-04-29 03:23:07
mini-toolbox 1.0.3 Python迷你工具箱,包含简化的常用工具,旨在帮助脚本快速开发。 2024-04-28 08:50:06
NStudyPy 0.0.7 A NStudyPy useful tools 2024-04-28 07:05:58
sbomaudit 0.4.1 Audit SBOM contents 2024-04-26 14:45:13
lib4sbom 0.7.1 Software Bill of Material (SBOM) generator and consumer library 2024-04-26 14:26:48
uyghur-tili-quralliri 0.1.5 uyghur language writing and processing tool box ... 2024-04-26 12:25:46
utipy 1.0.2 Utility functions for python 2024-04-25 19:46:44
QuantumRingsLib 0.4.0 A Quantum Development Library 2024-04-22 08:27:52
wifitest 0.1.8 Python 3 library for wifi testing. 2024-04-21 21:11:38
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